Fallen Tree Hideout

Directions: To discover the Hideout, venture down the first road on the right that runs adjacent to Blue Metal Road when you’re coming from Mackenzie Gate. Walking 300m you will reach a corner where a track cuts through from the road from the north-east. On this corner, through the trees, you will find a large, fallen down tree. Upon visiting this tree, you will understand its allure and fascination… The tree has been covered in large branches, creating a fort that encourages play, imagination and exploration.

Exploration Possibilities:

Imagine, Imagine …!

Question: Who could you be in this space?

See how the canvas of the natural world inspires many imaginative stories, creations and games. There is no need for any props or instructions, children will create their own fun, when they are granted time and space to imagine and explore.

To Build and Create

Question: What materials can you find and what can you build with them?

The Fallen Tree Hideout has taken many forms. Many groups and individuals have added or taken away from the structures. How can you be part of shaping this community cubby? What does the cubby become for your family?